
Change Lives
with Your Business

  • Create a culture that gives back and
    increase employee engagement
  • Connect your employees with a
    rural village in Africa or Asia in need
    of clean water
  • Share your global impact with your

Tell me how I can give a village clean water, health, and hope.

More than 600 companies have partnered with Lifewater to be a part of global change.


Get Your Company Involved

  1. Sponsor a Water Project
    By donating a portion of your profit, your company can provide an entire community with a new water source, sanitation, and hygiene.
  2. Engage Employees with a Global Mindset
    Utilize our materials to connect your staff with the cause. You’ll get stories, photos, and progress updates for every donation to a water project.
  3. Help us Help the World
    Incentivize your employees to take up the cause by matching their donations, or use creative ways to increase engagement. We can help!

Create Change that Lasts with Lifewater

For more than 40 years, Lifewater has helped companies be a part of global change by bringing clean water, improved health, and the hope of the gospel to families living in extreme poverty. Since 1977, we’ve served more than 2.5 million people and with your company’s help, we will serve more! Here’s how Lifewater is unique.

Biblical Worldview

We see people and poverty in the context of God’s love and restoration.

Remote Locations

We serve in hard-to-reach places where families that are most vulnerable live.


We work on local and regional levels to create change that lasts.


Safe Water Access, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) practices can help make clean water sustainable and nearly eliminate waterborne diseases.

Impact Data

We measure, analyze, and report results online to ensure our activities are making a lasting impact.

Appropriate Water Technology

We access appropriate, long-lasting solutions which utilize local ingenuity, readily available supplies, and materials that community leaders can access.

See a direct impact from your gift

"After witnessing how much hope it brought to a community of 500 people [in Ethiopia], we wanted to continue to help those who need a spark of hope. As a business, we can have a positive impact, and cause a ripple effect."

- Greg Steinberger, Doc Burnstein’s Ice Cream Lab

Doc Burnstein’s Ice Cream Lab donations provided clean water, sanitation, and gospel hope to a village of 500 people in rural Ethiopia through their village sponsorship.
Connect your business with lasting transformation

"I love sharing with my clients that we are going to help vulnerable kids across the world get clean water through the sale or purchase of their house. Connecting my business to a global cause has been amazing!"

- Kimberly Maston, Realtor and Mayor of Cambria, CA

Kimberly turned Cambria Homes and Land sales into donations to provide clean water for vulnerable children and families.
Partner to gain global impact

"We are excited to partner with Lifewater and their mission to provide clean drinking water for those in need in countries and communities that do not have the same access that we do."

- Tyler Merrick, Project7

Project7 provides donations for every customer purchase to help improve health and life for vulnerable children and families in Africa and Asia.
Impact the world and change
the future for a whole village.


Contact Me Today